Complete PCP systems

Progressing Cavity Pumps

Driveheads 30-250 HP

Heavy Oil Geometries

CBM Pumping Technologies

Torque Anchors

New patented technology

Great Support & Service

AL PRO International

Artificial Lift Production International Corporation providing best in class Artificial Lift Systems & Technologies to our customers.

Artificial Lift Engineering

  • Production & optimization consultancy
  • Best in class system designs
  • Economic analysis & project management
  • Technical well support & well monitoring
  • Local aftermarket support

Authorized Distributor

  • Exclusive Distributors of Artemis PC-Pumps
  • Authorized Distributor of Excalibre Downhole Tools
  • Exclusive Distributor of Artemis Drive Heads

Canadian manufacturing

All our technologies are manufactured and quality controlled within Canada. Our export crates are custom built to maximize durability, equipment protection, and meet all export requirements to promote quick turn-around time to its destination.

Bringing field experience & system design together. Best in class system design.

  1. Design form populated, submitted
  2. Decide AL method
    • Technical/subsurface criteria
    • Sensitivity analysis
    • SROD, Rod star, ESP Designs, C-Fer provide results
  3. Design finalized and agreed upon by both parties
    • Design to include lessons learned; applying improvements immediately to enhance well
  4. Make recommendation

Exclusive Patented Technology


PCP wellbore clean out technology.


PCP downstream valve system for stator explosive decompression issues.


PCP high GOR (gas) production optimization technology.


Specialized gas separation technologies are designed for high volume and pump efficiency improvement.


Insert deployed PCP with full pressure testing capabilities.  Applied in 5.5”, 4.5”, 3.5”, 2 7/8”.  Horizontal and deviated wells.

Charge Pumps

Charge Pumps are used to combat high G.O.R. wells. Download more information (pdf).

Full CFD Design Analysis

Available for all well geometrics and flow rates.

Commitment to Best in Class Products and Services

Rota Jet